Friday, November 2, 2012



(4:45 pm)  As you may have noticed, the last post was made at 5:30 am, and that's not a time of day when I'm my sharpest.  Since then, I've been thinking about how far-fetched those theories sound, that they ARE, and that maybe I was unwise to post about them.  So I want to add a postscript to clarify the intent of my message.

1. The Benghazi attack is a grave loss, not only in lives - the far greater loss - but also in sensitive information and international respect.  That it was not prevented is a significant failure of our government, and why it failed, and what is to be done to prevent a repeat, are legitimate questions for those in charge to answer, especially as we are choosing who will be in charge in a few months.

2. The administration's inability to clearly and consistently tell us what happened and why, given all the video, written communications, on-site witnesses, and expert testimony, after 7 weeks of intense scrutiny, is very hard to understand.  It raises serious questions about their abilities, just as serious as the questions about FEMA after hurricane Katrina. It goes to the heart of the basic question, "Who can better keep America safe?"

3. The theories of explanation that I mentioned are just that - theories.  I offered them not to indict, but to look at possible explanations for the facts, as starting points for investigation to answer the basic questions in item #1 above. 

One of the reasons that I gave theory #2 some weight is because it supposedly came from a White House insider, although that is yet to be proven.  Remember the Watergate investigations - they were wild accusations, until all the pieces were uncovered and the crime was verified and the guilty were identified.  Strange things like this CAN happen - they need to be examined, and they won't be unless they are made public.

4. How can this information be helpful to you?  It is another piece in the puzzle of how each candidate will handle the job of President.  This puzzle piece is not clearly "shaped" or the "edges are ragged" but is is a piece to be fitted in somewhere.

I hope this helps bring some thoughtful consideration to the human tendency to quickly categorize things.  I've found that most things in life cannot be categorized and certainly not immediately - I have a lot of stuff in my life labeled "Figure Out Where to File This" or "Pending More Info."


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